How to sell your services online

Selling products online is one thing, but selling a service is a totally different proposition. The way you use your site has to be very unique, and the marketing techniques we put in place have to be markably different to an e-commerce website.

You just can’t go at it the same way as if it was a product facing website, you have to understand the differences between the two. The same advantages for an e-commerce site can be the very downfall for a service-selling website. But with the right ideas and concepts, you can easily increase your conversion rates and up your sales.

The below are 6 top tips for helping you craft the perfect service-selling website. If you still need help, we offer Web Design in Peterborough, Cambridge, Leicester and the surrounding areas.

1. Understand what success means to you

You are selling a particular service, and you need to be totally aware of what you are offering. Your website needs to reflect you and your company. If you don’t really know what your end goal is, then how can you funnel your users down to it. Work out your KPI (Key Performance Indicator), which will be what constitutes a success visit to your site. For some clients, a successful visit means more than 3 pages being viewed, for others it’s a long dwell time. You need to understand what you want this new website to actually do for you, so you can quantify your success rates.

2. Keep the site design up to date and relevant

The worst thing a user landing on your site can think is ‘this feels so out of date’. It is so important to keep your site design and content up to modern standards. We don’t mean getting caught in a fashion trap, and following trends blindly – but it’s really important to have a clean, organised website that helps potential clients understand your offering. Keep abreast of latest web design trends, especially within your industry and make sure you don’t get left behind.

3. Getting to know you!

When you sell a product, then all of the focus is on the product itself. But when you market a service, the spotlight lands firmly on you and your team. You have to make your about page stand out.

Users have to know who you and your team are, what you do, what you’ve done before and why they should trust you with their business. Good quality photos are usually a quick win, it shows professionalism and a face of the service, but other options are available (ask us!).

4. Let your existing customers do the talking

We’ve all been there. We get a great recommendation and we’re sold. The same is said about your customer base. If you’ve done great work before, then ask your customers to shout about it. Usually with a written review, but even better, a video testimonial. If you have testimonials, then you have to have them splashed on the site to reinforce the message of how good you are.

Positive reviews show a customer that they are not wasting money by investing in you and your company. Your reviews will serve to alleviate your customers’ doubts and fears.

5. Blog. And blog often!

A great way to build trust is with a blog that is regularly updated. A solid blog or news page shows customers that you’re up to date, modern, on the pulse of new information  and tells customers that you and your service are ahead of the curve, not behind it.

Think about it like this, would you invest in an electrician if you landed on their site and saw the last blog post was from 2010? Of course not, you’d assume they went out of business or just couldn’t be bothered wth it. Content speaks volumes, not just to Google for your SEO, but also to your users.

6. Let’s get social

Social media a great way to engage with users. Much the same as the blog though, it has to be current, and often. You can’t rest on your laurels. Get the right social accounts set up for your business (we can advise on which ones suit your needs) and then use them regularly.

Tweet daily, post on Instagram often, snapchat like crazy – whatever suits your business, then make the most of it and use it reinforce your message to your potential customers.

If you follow these 6 little tips, then we’re sure you’ll see a huge upturn in your acquisition and retention rates of customers.

Keep up the good work!